Local Ticket Pre-Sale On Tuesday, March 18
Local Pre-Sale for 3-Day GA & VIP and Single Day Passes On Tuesday, March 18 Starting At Noon (MST)
Attention Telluride locals looking to buy Passes for the Telluride Blues & Brews Festival! This year, we will be holding a Local Pre-Sale for you to get your 3-Day GA & VIP and Single Day Passes on Tuesday, March 18. This Local Pre-Sale will be held from noon until tickets run out (supplies are very limited), at a pop-up box office at the Sheridan SHOW Bar located at 110 N Oak St.
There is a limit of 2 x VIP Passes, 6 x 3-Day and 6 x Single-Day Passes per order and sales are limited to credit/debit cards only. All other tickets and the VIP Passes not sold during the Local Pre-Sale will be available online on March 19 at 10 am (MT). Make your plans now! Explore the pass options below.