
Sunday, September 14, 2025 9:00 - 10:00 AM (the Madeline Hotel)
Sunday, September 14, 2025 from 2:30 - 3:30 PM (Blues Stage)

It’s been a minute since Otis Taylor graced our stage, so we are delighted to once again host this blues legend from Boulder, Colorado on this side of the Continental Divide. 

Brought up in a music-loving home, young Otis began exploring blues roots at the Denver Folklore Center (founded by Harry Tuft), where he heard for the first time the music that informs to this day, his compelling, trance-blues grooves. His first instrument was the banjo and it remains a centerpiece of his socially-observant, deeply honest, mesmerizing body of work — 15 albums worth. His latest is Banjo, which, he explained to one interviewer, is not so much about the instrument, but the attitude. 
A 2019 Colorado Music Hall of Fame inductee, we have on our line-up one of blues music’s most respected and dynamic artists. What Otis has in store for us is anyone’s guess, given his extensive body of work. “I try things as a surprise, like you didn’t see ’em coming. For lyrics as well as sounds.” We like surprises. Welcome back, Mr. Taylor.