Bal De Maison
Don't miss the opening Bal de Maison show, kicking off the festival weekend with Amy Helm and the Handsome Strangers at the historic Sheridan Opera House on Thursday, Sept. 11th. Doors: 8:30 p.m. Showtime: 9:00 p.m. Tickets are $20 for the show.
The word Bal de Maison orginated from dances held at someones house - typically in the front room which was cleared of furniture. Quite often these dances were announced by the host of the party simply by standing on their porch and yelling to their neighbor. Word would often travel up to 40 miles this way. Well here is our shout to you! We are having a dance party on Thursday, September 11th to open the Festival, so spread the word and let's clear out that furniture at the Opera House!
Please note, VIP and Juke Joints passes are not valid for show entry, this is a separate ticket.
Click here for Tickets. For additional late night shows schedule click here.